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From Milan to the World: Nairobi

We have reached the halfway point of our trip around the world and we still have three beautiful projects from the #FromMilantotheWorld contest to tell you about, one of which is in NairobiKenya.

We are talking about Alice for Children’s project aims to give young girls who live in the slums of Nairobi the chance to chase their dreams. In a world in which their cry of suffering seems unheard, sports can be the perfect tool to restore their dignity and confidence in the future, making them the true protagonists of a sporting and social battle, both on and off the field.

The association, which has been active for 15 years in the slums of Nairobi, is committed to accompanying the growth of 2500 children, who are offered educational and medical support, food and clothing; thanks to its commitment and the construction of schools and orphanages, the children are removed from the circle of child labour and are guaranteed a basic education.

In the educational and growth path of children, there is no shortage of sport, which not only restores their carefree childhood, but also removes them from contexts of violence, abuse and exploitation.

On the occasion of its participation in the contest, Alice for Children presents a sports project that encompasses the desire to give a concrete response to the dreams and needs of girls in the slums. Sport will thus complement a wide-ranging programme of medical and psychophysical support aimed at empowering girls and combating cultural violence such as sexual and psychological abuse, female genital mutilation and early pregnancy.

To learn more follow our channels: do not miss the appointment on Thursday, October 21 from 5 pm on the AC Milan‘s Twitch Channel , you can learn more about the protagonists of the association, or review the episode when it is more comfortable.

To learn more and meet the protagonists of the Alice For Children project, click on the dedicated mini-site:

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