The projects

“Fare rete! Ancora!” – ASD Cometa

Fondazione Milan supports minors in conditions of educational and socio-economic hardship and fragility who are subject to social exclusion and discrimination.


Sport for Change is a sports and educational programme through which Fondazione Milan contributes to the fight against educational poverty, which is often related to socio-economic poverty, offering support to children and young people who are subject to social exclusion and discrimination. One of the many negative effects of educational poverty is early school leaving, which is a sadly growing phenomenon in our country. In order to combat and stem these problems, Fondazione Milan has chosen to collaborate for 2022 as well. The two organisations support minors in their education through sport, and in particular football; the belief that sport can make a positive contribution to the individual growth of children and the collective growth of the entire community of families involved is the basis of their commitment. The main objective of the initiative, called “Fare Rete! Ancora!” , is therefore to offer support to 30 minors who find themselves in conditions of hardship and poverty, using football as a tool for social change and the psychophysical and relational benefits that come from playing sport.


In Italy, there has been a steady increase in the number of boys and girls dropping out of school, culminating in a slight statistical improvement as the data claim.

Despite the positive trend, the overall picture remains worrying, as does the gender difference, which sees the number of boys dropping out of school consistently higher than girls. The main cause of this phenomenon is educational poverty, which translates into a real lack of opportunities to discover and cultivate one’s skills, interests and inclinations.

In the general context of the Italian school system’s inadequacy in combating educational inequalities, the Associazione Sportiva Cometa, whose social commitment takes place in the city of Como, is part of the project. In this regard, Associazione Cometa, with the support of Fondazione Milan, aims to respond to the educational emergency expressed by minors who find themselves in conditions of hardship.


The direct beneficiaries of the “Fare Rete! Ancora!” project are 30 minors in serious educational and economic hardship.

The initiative allows them to play football at the Associazione Sportiva Cometa premises because, due to economic, family or motor problems, they would otherwise not have the opportunity to play sport in other contexts. Indirect beneficiaries of the additional project activities are the families of the children and the schools in Como and its province.


  • Associazione Sportiva Cometa
  • Fondazione Milan
  • Schools in Como and its province


With a donation we can give continuity to the Sport for Change project and support the informal education received through sport that changes children and makes them more aware of their potential, so they can write a new future.
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