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David: sports, inclusion and happiness – Sport for Change

David now lives his childhood in an inclusive and educational environment where he can develop his passions and pursue his dreams.

David is 7 years old, attends first grade, and is one of the beneficiaries of the Sport for Change program by Fondazione Milan at the João Paulo II Educational Center. His mother, Dafne, has put in a lot of effort to ensure that David and his sister find a place in the center’s sports activities, providing them with a break from the challenges that characterize their daily lives. 

David, in particular, has integrated well into both the soccer and basketball groups. Despite difficulties, his determination emerged early on, even when he showed up with a casted arm, which, after three months, was in pieces. David lives with his mother and sister in a wooden shack that is a half-hour walk from the Educational Center. 

The family’s economic difficulties make access to medical care a challenge, as exemplified by the case of the cast that was not being removed. After three attempts by Dafne, the help offered by the Educational Center finally led to a solution. 

David’s desire to participate in sports was the driving force during this period. Even though he couldn’t physically join, he assisted the instructor by watching others run and play. The removal of the cast brought liberation for David, who joyfully ran on the first day in the gym, expressing the happiness of finally being able to play with his peers. 

For David, sports represent the realization of a dream, offering him the opportunity to run, jump, and have fun with others. In the challenging environment he lives in, sports also become a refuge and a way to stay safe. While soccer is his main passion, basketball is capturing more of his heart. 

Through the invaluable support of the Sport for Change program and the João Paulo II Educational Center, David has the opportunity to experience his childhood in an inclusive and educational environment, where he can develop his passions and pursue his dreams. 

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