On Friday 11 March, the first of three days of events with the Fondazione Milan, ActionAid and the Fondazione Cassa Depositi e Prestiti was held in Rome, at the Istituto Comprensivo via Casale del Finocchio, to conclude the training sessions on active citizenship, inequalities and civic education.
The day involved 5 classes, for a total of 100 students and their teachers, in sporting activities proposed by two coaches from the Milan football schools who organised sporting moments of high educational value.
Through game situations, based on football and diversified according to the abilities of the classes, the coaches involved all the boys and girls present, creating moments of sporting and social sharing, testing the students’ skills and showing that it is always possible to engage in activities far from the comfort zone.
The organisation of the shifts and the space available allowed the children to play in a functional way and with a good volume of active learning time, about 50′ out of the 60′ available for each shift.
Moreover, thanks to the type of proposal based on playful activities, all the objectives set were achieved: involving the classes through play, stimulating collaboration, proposing team-building situations, stimulating choices and decisions by accepting possible mistakes and making students have fun.
The initiative is part of the activities of the “Costruire Futuro, Insieme!” project launched by ActionAid and Fondazione Cassa Depositi e Prestiti in partnership with Fondazione Milan, a project based on training and active citizenship courses aimed at involving teachers, educators, parents and young people in curricular and extracurricular activities.