AC Milan and Fondazione Milan have announced their latest initiative to address the outbreak of Covid-19. The move is the club’s latest offensive in a battle that is being fought both in Italy and on a global level.
After the €250,000 donation made to AREU (the Lombardy Region’s emergency response arm), AC Milan’s players and directors have added their support, each of them donating a day’s wages to help address the ongoing health emergency in Italy. We all feel the same sense of responsibility to follow the guidelines set out by our government institutions to help contain the virus, but we can also find ways to give our support to those who are working tirelessly to care for and save those who are affected by the virus.
Alessio Romagnoli, AC Milan’s Club Captain, said: ‘As Milan Captain, I am proud that the club has decided to make this donation to AREU, who are on the front line of the efforts address this emergency. I am also proud of our fans, as I know that a lot of them have been asking to donate their ticket refunds to the cause and I’m proud of all those who are working day and night to tackle and contain the Coronavirus. My teammates and I are also very happy that we are able to support them and I am happy that Fondazione Milan is giving everyone else the chance to do the same.’
Via the link: anyone can make their own contribution to Fondazione Milan’s financial support of the AREU cause, thereby playing an important role in helping those who have been impacted by Covid-19.
In addition, as outlined in other recent announcements, AC Milan has also made the decision to refund all of its fans who held tickets for the match against Genoa, which was played behind closed doors following government guidelines. The club is working closely with its season ticket holders and fan groups to provide them with a mechanism to donate the value of the refunded tickets (including pro-rata season ticket refunds) to the Coronavirus relief effort.
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