The projects

Bishop Cipriano Kihangire – Kampala

Sport contributes to the education and growth of young people by transmitting values such as commitment, loyalty, sharing and mutual support.


The Sport for Change programme is enriched by a new collaboration with the Fondazione Italia Uganda. In Kampala, in the Nakawa district, at the Bishop Cipriano Kihangire schools, sport is a fundamental tool for offering young people new opportunities for growth and life, moving them away from violence, child labour and the vicissitudes of the street.

In Kampala, it is often difficult to provide children and young people with quality education, especially in sports and physical activity, because of structural and educational gaps: a lack of adequate materials, equipment and facilities, and the absence of effective training plans for students and teachers.


The partnership aims to increase the supply of sports equipment for the football, netball and basketball teams of the Primary and Secondary sections, for the benefit of the growth and development of children and young people attending Bishop Cyprian Kihangire schools.

  1. For the Primary section: material will be purchased for the football team such as uniforms, balls, training clothes for students and coaches and for the girls netball team.
  2. For the Secondary section: equipment will be purchased to enhance the training of the mixed football team and the basketball team.

In addition, the project for a School Football Academy within Bishop Cipriano Kihangire schools is to be initiated.


The direct beneficiaries of the project are 60 students, aged 7 to 20, from the Primary and Secondary sections of Bishop Cyprian Kihangire schools in Kampala, together with their teachers and coaches. In addition, all 4,000 students of BCK schools, their families and their community will benefit indirectly from the initiative.


Project partners and institutions
  • Fondazione Italia Uganda
  • Fondazione Milan
  • Bishop Cipriano Kihangire Schools
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