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Adill: a special tutor! | Sport for All

A born motivator!

Adill is a young athletic trainer with a visual impairment acquired as a boy.

He is coaching a totally blind friend in an outdoor park near his home, where he moves and accompanies him completely independently and without any kind of aid. To our compliments, he replies: “The compliments go to him, for the trust he places in me and the fact that we won’t crash!”. He laughs. Adill’s laugh is his calling card: always smiling, proactive, energetic, Adill is a born motivator.

“When I first met him, I thought he would be an ideal tutor,” says Tristano, one of the coordinators of All Inclusive Sport, a project of the Sport for All programme supported by the Fondazione Milan, “because Adill is the embodiment of what we want to convey to children with disabilities, namely that some limits can be overcome and others can be compensated for by different resources, the important thing is to face challenges with a positive attitude.

Adill has an innate passion for sport and an infectious enthusiasm. He made a sporting career in pole dancing, making it all the way to the World Championships, and then decided to make himself available to other children and young people with disabilities so that they could live their sporting dream, as he did: he joined three of them, two with visual disabilities in athletics and a third in fencing, winning the trust of the coaches who often left him the entire team, precisely because of his skills as an athletic trainer and his ability as a motivator.

“My intention for the future,” he tells us, “is that every child who wants to play sport, has the opportunity to do so. It seems little, but for me it is really a lot”.

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