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Fondazione Milan in the Community: ‘Choice and passion’.

Footballer Manieri and ‘Gloria’ Ambrosini as speakers at the event promoted by Fondazione Milan and VITA

An audience of 180 eighth-grade students from the “De Andreis” Comprehensive Institute and two “rossoneri” guests met at the Institute for the second appointment of “Fondazione Milan in the Community”. The project, born from the collaboration between the Foundation and Vita, aims to bring together sports champions with young students.

After the defenders Mattia Caldara and Francesca Vitale – who inaugurated the project in September – and the former Milan players Serginho and Cristian Brocchi – who were guests of the “P.Bottoni” High School in Milan on October 29th – it was the turn of the Milan women’s First Team defender Raffaella Manieri and the Rossoneri Glory Massimo Ambrosini to tell the youngsters about their experience in the field of “Choice and Passion”. They talked about the most important stages of their lives that led them to tread the great stages of the sporting world.

Raffella Manieri focused on the importance of parents and teachers in the development of children: “There are times in life when you are faced with obstacles and are not always ready to overcome them alone. In those cases it is important to have the support of the family, of parents in particular, who try to steer their children in the right direction. Teachers, coaches and all those figures who are central to the education and growth of young people have the same importance, providing solutions to questions that are not always known in adolescence.

Massimo Ambrosini, on the other hand, spoke of the passion that helps overcome difficult moments: “Whatever path you want to take, in sport as in life, you need passion, willpower and great determination: this is the only way to overcome problems and the most complicated moments. It’s not always easy, you have to make a lot of sacrifices, but the satisfaction you get from achieving great results is great.

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