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From Milan to the World: New York

Luggage in hand, the journey of the #FromMilantotheWorld contest starts again! From Africa we move to America to meet our friends in New York.

The project we want to tell you about is Success Academy Charter Schools. With its Soccer Program aims to give all children – regardless of their social background or economic means – the opportunity to play sports and include soccer in their school routine.

Soccer Program fosters both the growth of the individual and the positive and inclusive development of the entire American soccer scene.

Contrary to much of the rest of the world, soccer in the United States is considered a ‘privileged’ sport, not accessible to the majority of the population due to the pay-to-play model. Differences in access opportunities are even more pronounced in a profoundly multicultural context such as New York City, characterised by deep social inequalities.

For this reason, the Success Academy operates mainly in the areas of Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens and the Bronx, where many families experience deep economic and social hardship.

In view of the participation in the contest, and the continued development of the project, Success Academy will focus its intervention on a few main areas. The first objective is the provision of appropriate school sports programming, enabling primary and secondary school children to take to the field in one or two training sessions that are well integrated into their weekly school routine.

The programme is also committed to combating gender inequality, which sees soccer, and sport in general, as a purely masculine world, and to offering coaches at least 40 hours of professional training, with a particular focus on methodologies, innovative thinking and organisation of training sessions.

Finally, it wants to contribute to the development of professional soccer in the United States by setting up highly competitive teams made up of the students who are most outstanding in their soccer and sporting development.

To learn more follow our channels: do not miss the appointment on Thursday, October 28 from 5 pm on AC Milan‘s Twitch channel, you can learn more about the protagonists of the association, or review the episode when it is more comfortable.

To learn more and meet the protagonists of the Success Academy Soccer Program project, click on the dedicated mini-site:

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