The 2022-2023 season of Fondazione Milan has concluded and has been the stage for many activities, both in Italy and abroad, aimed at promoting the importance of sports and its values in challenging contexts for young people with disabilities or at risk of marginalization, offering them the opportunity to fully develop their talents.
During this season, Fondazione Milan celebrated its 20th Anniversary with a Charity Dinner, attended by representatives of the Club and the technical staff, along with the players of Milan’s First Team. On this occasion, Fondazione Milan had the opportunity to emphasize its commitment, which is realized through three programs that encompass charitable initiatives: Sport for All, Sport for Change, and Assist.

Continuing from the previous season, Fondazione Milan has once again seen its name on the jerseys of the men’s first team, but this year on an even more prestigious stage. In fact, the foundation’s logo appeared on the back of the jerseys in all UEFA Champions League matches to commemorate the numerous projects accomplished in these first 20 years, and above all, the upcoming milestones awaiting the red-and-black charity. Additionally, following the initiatives undertaken for the 20-year anniversary, Fondazione Milan became a “Match Charity Partner” for a Serie A match for the first time.

Among the programs that characterized Fondazione Milan’s presence in Italy, Sport for All stands out. This year, the program involved six centers in Italy, promoting sports inclusion for young people with disabilities. The opportunity to play with their peers brought joy, sharing, and discovery to approximately 800 beneficiaries and volunteers in the cities of Ascoli Piceno, Milan, Naples, Padua, Reggio Emilia, and Rome.

Sport for Change also played a prominent role throughout the season in Italy, receiving support from the runners who participated in Fondazione Milan’s Charity Program during the Milan Marathon last April. In Italy, the program supported the youth of YouSport and ASD Sporting Murialdo, as well as the participants in two new projects that will continue in the upcoming season: Pegaso and Play for the Future.
Abroad, Sport for Change found a place in a new region, Kerala, India, and continued in the other six cities across different corners of the world: Nairobi, Kolkata, Kampala, New York, Rio de Janeiro, and Salvador de Bahia. Fondazione Milan intervened to bring happiness to young people living in challenging situations in the outskirts, with a special commitment to female empowerment, especially in Kenya, Uganda, and India.

The support of the many AC Milan partners was not lacking, with several activities carried out, such as the delivery of food during the holiday season to APS La Rotonda in Baranzate, the inauguration of a new sports center in Gratosoglio, and support for young mothers in difficulty in the neighborhood where the Food Hub is active on Via degli Appennini in Milan.
Among the many initiatives of the season, we should also remember the activities of the AC Milan for Peace campaign, alongside Andriy Shevchenko, President Paolo Scaroni’s intervention in New York at the United Nations’ Headquarters, the “Nessuno in Panchina” initiative in Trieste, and the activities developed together with the Sport for Inclusion Network community.

A special thanks goes to all those who supported Fondazione Milan this season because, thanks to their generous donations, we can continue to spread the positive values of sports in Milan, Italy, and around the world.